The philosophy that formed the basis for a universal, invisible church derived from Plato (c. 428-348 BC).

W. R. Downing

The habitually tardy individual does not comprehend the damage habitual tardiness does to his reputation or does not care.

John S. Waldrip

The teaching that issues only from the lips is not at all likely to sink any deeper than the ears.

Arthur Pink (1886-1952)

Only fools suppose that by committing a matter to the government, they can get it done for nothing.

Alva J. McClain (1888-1968)

Never has there existed a persecutor of God's saints on earth, since the dawn of Christianity, who was not an anti-Chiliast.

George H. H. Peters (1825-1909)

Mark it down. No book or article that makes use of Charles G. Finney as an authoritative source on the topics of evangelism, prayer, or revival, or lists any work by Finney in the Bibliography can be imagined to be a serious or knowledgeable work.

John S. Waldrip

From their very infancy, encourage them [your children] to look up to you as the selectors of their companions.

John Angell James (1785-1859)

The want of discipline, wherever it exists, is supplied by confusion and domestic anarchy. Everything goes wrong in the absence of this. A gardener may sow the choicest seeds; but if he neglect to pluck up weeds and prune wild luxuriances, he must not expect to see his flowers grow or his garden flourish. So a parent may deliver the best instructions. But if he does not by discipline eradicate evil tempers, correct bad habits, repress rank corruptions, nothing excellent can be looked for. He may be a good prophet and a good priest; but if he be not also a good king, all else is vain. When once a man breaks his scepter or lends it to his children as a plaything, he may give up his hopes of success from a religious education... The misfortune in many families is that discipline is unsteady and capricious, sometimes carried even to tyranny itself, at [other times] relaxed into a total suspension of law, so that the children are at one time trembling like slaves, at others revolting like rebels; at one time groaning beneath an iron yoke, at others rioting in a state of lawless liberty. This is a most mischievous system, and its effects are generally Just what might be expected.

John Angell James on parenting

Wherever the Mohammedans have had a complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared.

Theodore Roosevelt

Children should be trained up in the way of self-denial.

Philip Dodderidge (1702-1751)

... mankind has discovered that reason does not lead to sanity... mankind has discovered that pride does not lead to enjoyment.

G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)

Let us enter into the spirit of the first propagators of Christianity and take our children along with us in the labors of love.

Edward Hooker (1794-1875)

With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man's mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, or of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

People shouldn't be protected from the Bible.

Michael S. Heiser

No Christian is without the lifelong experience of and the struggle against personal sin.

John S. Waldrip

The Millennial Kingdom of Christ was the general doctrine of the Primitive Church from the times of the apostles to the council of Nice, inclusively.

Dr. Bennet ("Works," vol. 2, p. 184)

Any man who believes he is what he is by the grace of God believes in predestination.

Lawrence Cleve Brantley (1909-1988)

People who are filled with the Spirit are always characterized by control.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981)

One of our problems today is that we no longer do our own thinking.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981)

Fear is the strongest emotion we know and it plays a far more important role in our lives than does reality.

Cleve Brantley (1909-1988)

Apply yourself totally to the text [of scripture]; apply the text totally to yourself.

Johannes Albert Bengel

If a preacher cannot read books, let him learn to read books. If a preacher will not read books, I suggest he resign.

John S. Waldrip

What if our study of some natural phenomenon showed that it could not arise solely from natural causes?

Eric Hedin

If science alone can provide reliable answers, then the extra-scientific philosophical claim that "science alone can provide reliable answers" isn't itself reliable. It isn't science, after all.

Eric Hedin

As long as people have their gaze fixed on heavenly truth, Satan has no advantage over them. Eve fell only after she looked at the forbidden fruit.

Bruce K. Waltke

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