There is no greater proof of proud folly, than believing only what we understand.

Charles Bridges (1794-1869)

CHURCH DEFINED BY BAPTISTS: A church of Christ is a company of baptized believers in faith and fellowship, united to edify each other, and to advance the cause and kingdom of Christ, Nothing else is a church.

S. H. Ford (1819-1905)

One's Ecclesiology stands or falls on a correct understanding of the head-body Metaphor.

Charles Hunt

The very inquisitiveness of little ones affords their elders an opportunity to make known unto them the wonderful works of God that their minds may be informed and their hearts awed by His perfections. But note well, it is the father (the 'head' of the home) upon whom the main responsibility devolves, to see to it that his children are taught by him the things of God (Eph. 6:45). Let him not pass on this task to his wife, still less to Sun day School teachers.

Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952)

In the Crusades and Inquisition, it has been estimated that at least 1,000,000 Albigenses died. Those who did escape, fled into the countries of Bosnia, Bohemia and the Alps; others were either driven into submission or went underground until the time of the Protestant Reformation.

W. R. Downing

Those who charge for spiritual ministry are dabbling in simony.

D. A. Carson

We are imposed upon at home as well as abroad; we are deceived by our senses, by our imaginations, by our passions and appetites; by the authority of men, by education and custom, &c.; and we are led into frequent errors, by judging according to these false and flattering principles, rather than according to the nature of things.

Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

Christians NEVER say goodbye!

C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)

The fact is, that a body of baptized disciples in any place can constitute themselves into a church, without an ordained minister, and then proceed to elect their own officers. The highest and oldest authorities sustain this position. Christ says: 'Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.' - Matthew 18:20. Tertullian, who wrote in the year 150, 50 years after the lifetime of the last apostle, says: 'Where there are three, there is a church, though they be laymen.'

J. R. Graves (1820-1893)

When people are overwhelmed by problems they often lose sight of God's love for them. they need a glimpse into Romans 8:28-39 to remember that God's great love cannot be diminished or destroyed, even by dire circumstances.

Martin Bobgan

Once a man owes more loyalty to his first cousin than to a fellow citizen, a constitutional republic cannot exist.

Victor Davis Hanson

Genuine Christian experience commences with conviction of sin; but, blessed be God, it does not end here.

John Leadley Dagg (1794–1884)

Though God does not answer you immediately, yet He does hear you immediately.

William Bridge (1600-1670)

God does not equate bigness with success. God determines success based on faithfulness.

Bob Jones, Sr. (1883-1968)

Protestantism exists essentially as a Reformation or modification of the Romish church, not a full return or conformity to the New Testament standard and pattern.

W. R. Downing

All that Baptists mean by church "succession," or Church Perpetuity, is: There has never been a day since the organization of the first New Testament church in which there was no genuine church of the New Testament existing on earth.

W. A. Jarrell

Are you concerned about other Christians' appraisal of your Christian life and lifestyle? You ought to be.

John S. Waldrip

It is strong men who found movements, weak men mold them, eventually pervert them and then purge the original founders who will not compromise their convictions.

Rev. Chester E. Tulga (1896-1976)

Weak men are never stronger than when defending themselves against accusations of weakness.

John S. Waldrip

Folly is set in great dignity.

Solomon, Ecclesiastes 10.6

Cotton Mather (1639-1723) wrote of his long study and struggle, and finally his peaceful embrace of premillennialism; he urged others to do likewise.

David Beale

English Baptist John Gill (1697-1771) taught that Christ will reign over a glorious kingdom for a 'literal' thousand years 'on earth.'

David Beale

If I read the word of a right, and it is honest to admit that there is much room for difference of opinion here, the day will come, when the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, with the trump of the archangel and the voice of God. Some think that this dissent of the Lord will be postmillennial, that is, after the thousand years of his reign. I cannot think so. I conceive that the advent will be premillennial, that is, he will come first, and then will come the millennium.

C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense.

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928)

Knowledge and wisdom, though often confounded by careless thinkers, are different. Wisdom always has respect to action.

J. L. Dagg (1794-1884)

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