A neglected Bible is the melancholy proof of a heart 'alienated from God.'

Charles Bridges (1794-1869)

It is entirely unnecessary to take classes in order to be effectively used by God to minister godly counsel to one another along the way to Christian maturity.

Martin & Deidre Bobgan

Any system of training that does not make knowledge of Scripture the first thing is unsafe and unsound.

J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

The Old Testament cries, "Behold, He comes!" The Gospels emphasize, "Behold, He dies!" But the Acts follows on with, "Behold He lives!" The Epistles join in with, "Behold, He saves!" And the Apocalypse finalizes with the Hallelujah Chorus, "Behold, He reigns!"

J. Sidlow Baxter (1903-1999)

Exposure to the Gospel, not exposure to you, is the real key to successful Christian parenting.

John S. Waldrip

God is a tender Father, and He would have all the love of His children. He would not have His children to love their nurse more than Himself: our joy and peace and comfort is but the nurse of our graces. Now when God sees that His children fall in love more with the nurse than with Himself, then He removes the nurse, and causes their peace to be suspended and interrupted. He will not have the nurse to be loved more than Himself.

William Bridge (1600-1670)

A Christmas consideration. The enormity of the Solution gives indication of the seriousness of the problem. Ergo, the incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension of the eternal Son of the living God to provide a solution suggests your sin is a vastly more serious problem than you have likely admitted to yourself.

John S. Waldrip

My brethren, this is the great reason why many that are come to be almost Christians go no father. Some one beloved lust or other hinders them, and after a long and high profession parts them and Christ forever; they run well, but here it is that they give out, and after all fall short, and perish to eternity.

Matthew Mead (1630-1699)

If we go about the work of evangelism imagining that the efficiency of our presentation will bring about conversions, then we massively underestimate the lost state of unconverted people.

Peter Masters

The name of every saloon is "bar," The fittest name by far; A bar to heaven, a door to hell; Whoever named it, named it well. A bar to manliness, a bar to wealth, A door to sorrow and broken health; A bar to honor, pride and fame; A door to sorrow, grief and shame. A bar to hopes, a bar to prayer; A door to darkness and despair; A bar to useful, manly life, A door to brawling, senseless strife. A bar to heaven, a door to hell; Whoever named it, named it well.

A convict, 25, Joliet Prison, Joliet, Illinois

It is the glory of Christ that he has not an honest man for an enemy. The upright love him.

Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)

It is the display of your love for others that reveals most tellingly your grasp of the Savior's love for you.

John S. Waldrip

The belief or unbelief of creatures makes no difference as to his [Christ] worthiness, or their obligation to ascribe it to him [Christ].

Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)

No man ever drank lard into his tub, or flour into his sack, nor meal into his barrel, nor happiness into his home, nor God into his heart.

Benjamin Franklin

A believer may fall, but he cannot fall away; he may fall foully, but he cannot fall finally; for, "underneath are the everlasting arms."

Matthew Mead (1630-1699)

Don't try to drown your sorrow in alcohol because sorrow is an expert swimmer.

Ann Landers

While millions have regretted tasting alcohol, no person will ever be sorry he rejected it.

Gordon Chilvers

God drags us out, as it were, from everything we have sought to hide behind and turns into bright daylight the night in which we have tried to become personless and eliminate our responsibility.

Helmut Thielicke (1908-1986)

Abortion is no more purely a medical problem just because the physician wields the curette than chemical warfare is purely a a problem for pilots because they press the lever releasing the chemical.

E. Fuller Torrey

Abortions are performed by the thousands simply because people want the freedom of promiscuous sex but not the responsibility of children.

R. Eugene Sterner

The difference between destroying "life" in a plant or animal and destroying the life of an unborn baby is that in human abortion life is destroyed that is an eternal soul, irreversibly stamped with the image of God.

R. Eugene Sterner

You can scrape the baby out of the womb, but you cannot scrape the baby out of the mind.

Frank J. Ayd, Jr.

Brethren, we must be with our Lord in the fight if we would be with Him in the victory.

C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

No one has a right to believe that they are partakers of God's salvation unless they walk in the path of conscious, purposeful obedience and service to God.

J. I. Packer (1926-2020)

True saving peace loves to be examined, is willing to be examined, it loves to be tried. But false peace cannot endure examination; it flies from the light; it does not love to be tried.

William Bridge (1600-1670)

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