Two of the great legacies related to
the founding of this one-of-a-kind nation (What other country in history has
been founded on worthy ideals and aspirations, after all?) are the Declaration
of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America.[1]
Sadly, because we live in a fallen world, even the self-perception given to our
early Puritan settlers by the noted gospel minister John Winthrop, who told
them in a sermon that they would be “a city in a hill,” has been twisted around
from the exhortation it was (and in the face of several previous attempts at
English colonization having failed) that their efforts would be visible to the
entire world. Winthrop meant that people would carefully look at what those
early settlers did. However, his words to them and about them have been
misconstrued (as so many things Puritan are misconstrued) to suggest he and
those he was speaking to were filled with arrogance, pride, and a feeling of
superiority. Not true.
From the beginning the people who
formed this nation had problems, serious moral problems, and they were very
aware of their problems. Two of the problems that plagued the thirteen colonies
were slavery and racism. Notice, if you will, that I observe these problems to
be separate, to be distinct. It is important to recognize that slavery and
racism, though commonly thought to be one and the same in our day, are actually
two distinct issues. Slavery has been a worldwide problem throughout the
history of the human race, with racism being the sense of superiority adopted
by one people so they can in a sense justify to themselves their enslavement of
another people. Two examples: The man known to us in history as St. Patrick was
actually a highborn Brit captured and enslaved by the Irish before he managed
his escape, was later converted to Christ, and then returned to Ireland with
the gospel.[2]
Before Patrick, of course, was the Roman Empire, well known for its system of
Related to Imperial Rome is the interesting factoid that our English word slave
is derived from an Old Slavic word by way of Latin that was first applied to
captives of Slavic origin in southeastern Europe.[4] Thus,
slave comes from slav.
The point that I seek to make is that
men were enslaving men long before anything like racism was invoked to
rationalize or justify enslaving human beings. And as wrong as slavery
undeniably was and is, it is a vulgar and horrid practice that is only made
worse by adding to it the stupid and unscriptural notion of racial superiority
and racial inferiority. Racism is based upon the absurd notion that humanity
consists of various races that are visibly distinguished by skin tone and hair
texture and that these various races are not equal. Deny it as much as they
will, such notions are part and parcel with a belief in evolution. Can you
imagine what would happen if all mankind was somehow educated so as to
eradicate the vast ignorance that makes the belief of such absurdities
possible? Would relations between groups of people improve if it became known
to one and all that there is only one species on earth known by biologists who
naively describe us as Homo Sapiens, wise man?[5] It
is not likely. However, even that statement is not precisely true. While there
is only one biological race of man on earth, with every human being being a
member of that one race, the race of man, there are actually two races that
inhabit this planet insofar as the spiritual realm is concerned.
Though all of us in this auditorium
are members of the human race, insofar as our physical makeup is concerned, in
another sense we are not all of us here today members of the same race. Let me
explain by bringing your heart to a consideration of the Lord Jesus Christ in a
way quite unlike I have previously done. Several passages in God’s Word link together Adam, the
first man, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
It will help us to carefully compare and contrast these two men. In thinking of
the Lord Jesus Christ and the Fall of mankind into sin by Adam’s rebellion a
threefold line of thought may be developed. First, a contrast between
the first man, Adam, and the second man, Christ, in terms of their characters and conduct. Second, Christ
Himself bearing the Curse of the
Fall. Third, Christ reversing the effects
of the Fall and bringing in the “better
thing.” Let us take up these thoughts in this order.
It has been suggested that in eating
the forbidden fruit Adam cast reproach upon God’s love, God’s truth,
and God’s majesty. Created in the image of his Maker: vitalized by the very breath of Deity: placed in
a perfect environment: surrounded by every blessing the heart could
desire: put in complete authority over God’s creation: provided with a suitable companion and helpmeet: made an example to all the universe of the LORD’s goodness and love, and given one
single command that he might have opportunity to show his appreciation by an easy observance of it - yet, he gives ear to the voice of the
tempter and chooses instead to believe the Devil’s lie. “And the serpent said
unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God knowing good and evil.” What did Satan
wish these words to imply? They were as though he said: Did God tell you not to eat of this tree? How
unkind! He is withholding from you
the very best thing in the garden. He knows full well that if you partake of
this fruit your eyes will be opened,
and you yourselves will become as God. In other words, it was an appeal for
them to distrust God, to doubt His
grace, and to question His goodness. Thus in eating the forbidden fruit Adam repudiated and dishonored God’s love. Moreover,
he questioned and dishonored God’s
truthfulness. God had plainly warned him. In unequivocal language He had threatened, “In the day thou eatest
thereof thou shalt surely die.” Adam knew nothing of death.
He was surrounded only by living
creatures. Reason might have argued
that it was impossible for death to enter such a fair land as Paradise. But
there rang the Word of Him who
cannot lie, “Thou shalt surely die.” The serpent, however,
boldly denies Jehovah’s
Word - “Ye shall not
surely die,” he declares. Which would Adam believe — God or Satan? He
demonstrated that he had more confidence in the latter: he dared to doubt God’s
Word, and the foul deed was done. Thus, in eating the forbidden fruit, Adam
repudiated and dishonored God’s Truth. Further: he rejected God’s
authority. As the Creator, God possesses the inherent right to issue commands,
and to demand from His creatures absolute obedience. It is His prerogative to
act as Law-giver, Controller, Governor, and to define the limits of our
freedom. And in the Garden of Eden God exercised His prerogative and clearly
expressed His will. But Adam imagined he had a better friend than God. He
regarded God as austere and despotic, as One who begrudged him that which would
promote his best interests. He felt that in being denied the fruit of this tree
which was pleasant to the eyes and capable of making one wise God was acting
arbitrarily and cruelly, so he determined to assert himself, claim his rights,
and throw off the restraint of the Divine government. He substituted the
Devil’s word for God’s law: he put his own desire before the LORD’s command. Thus, in eating of the
forbidden fruit, Adam repudiated and dishonored God’s Majesty. So much
then for the character and conduct of the first Adam.
Turning now to the Lord Jesus Christ,
the last Adam, we find that everything is in direct antithesis.[6]
In thought, word and deed, the Christ of God completely vindicated the love,
truth, and majesty of Deity which the first man had so grievously and
deliberately dishonored. How Christ vindicated the love of God! Adam
harbored the wicked thought that God begrudged him that which was beneficial,
and thereby questioned His goodness. But how the Lord Jesus has reversed that
decision! In coming down to this earth to seek and to save that which was lost,
He fully revealed God’s compassion for mankind. In His sympathy for the
afflicted, in His miracles of healing, in His tears over Jerusalem, in His
unselfish and unwearied works of mercy, He openly displayed the love and
benevolence of God. And what shall we say of His sufferings and death on the
cruel tree? In laying down His life for us, in dying on the cross, He unveiled
the heart of the Father as nothing else could. “God commendeth His love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In
the light of Calvary we can never more doubt the goodness and grace of God. How
Christ vindicated the truth of God! When tempted by Satan to doubt God’s
goodness, question His truth, and repudiate His majesty, He answered each time,
“It is written.”[7]
When He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day it was to read out of the Holy
Oracles. When selecting the twelve apostles He purposely chose Judas in order
that the Scriptures “might be fulfilled.” When censuring His critics, He
declared that by their traditions they made void “the Word of God.” In His last
moments upon the Cross, knowing that all things had been accomplished, in order
that the Scriptures might be fulfilled He said, “I thirst.”[8] After
He had risen from the dead and was journeying with the two disciples to Emmaus,
He “expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” At
every point, and in every detail of His life He honored and magnified God’s
truth. Finally, Christ completely vindicated the majesty of God. The
creature had aspired to be equal with the Creator. Adam chafed against the
governmental restraint which the LORD
had placed upon him. He despised God’s law, insulted His majesty, and defied
His authority. How different with our blessed Saviour! Though He was the Lord
of Glory and equal with God, yet He made Himself of no reputation, and took
upon Himself the form of a servant. O matchless grace! He condescended
to be “made under the law,” and during the whole of His stay here upon earth He
refused to assert His rights, and was ever subject to the Father. “Not My will”
was His holy cry. Even more: “He became obedient unto death, even
the death of the cross.” Never was God’s law so magnified, never was God’s
authority so honored, never were God’s government claims so illustriously
upheld, as during the thirty-three years when His own Son dwelt among men. Thus
in His own Person Christ vindicated the outraged majesty of God.
We turn now to contemplate Christ
Himself bearing the Curse of the Fall. What was the punishment which
followed the first Adam’s sin? In answering this question we consider Genesis
chapter 3. Beginning at the seventeenth verse of Genesis 3 we may trace a
sevenfold consequence upon the entrance of sin into this world. First, the
ground was cursed. Second, in sorrow man was to eat of it all the
days of his life. Third, thorns and thistles it was to bring forth. Fourth,
in the sweat of his face man was to eat his bread. Fifth, unto dust
man was to return. Sixth, a flaming sword barred his way to the tree of
life. Seventh, there was the execution of God’s threat that in the day man
partook of the forbidden fruit he should surely die. Such was the curse
which fell upon Adam as the result of the Fall. Observe now how completely the Lord Jesus bore the full consequences of
man’s sin. First, Christ was “made a curse for
us” (Galatians 3.13). Second, so thoroughly was He
acquainted with grief, He was denominated “the man of sorrows” (Isaiah 53. 3).
Third, in order that we might know
how literally the Holy One bore in
His own body the consequences of Adam’s sin,
we read “Then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns”
(John 18.8). Fourth, corresponding with the
sweat of his face in which the first man was to eat his bread,
we learn concerning the second man, “And
His sweat was as it
were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22.44).
Fifth, just as the first Adam was to
return unto the dust, so the cry of the last Adam, in that wonderful prophetic Psalm, was “Thou
hast brought Me into the dust of death” (Psalm 22.15). Sixth, the sword of justice which barred the way to the
tree of life was thrust into the side
of God’s Son, for of old, the LORD had said, “Awake,
O sword , against My shepherd,
and against the man that is My Fellow”
(Zechariah 13.7). Seventh, the
counterpart of God’s original threat to Adam, namely, spiritual death (for he did not die physically that same
day) , which is the
separation of the soul from God, is witnessed in that most solemn of all cries, “My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken Me?” (Mathew 27.46). How absolutely did our blessed Saviour identif
y Himself with those which were lost, taking
their place and suffering the Just for the unjust!
How apparent it is, that Christ in His own body, did bear
the Curse resulting from the Fall.
Now we consider Christ reversing the effects of the Fall. God alone is
able to bring good out of evil and
make even the wrath of man to praise
Him. The Fall afforded Him an opportunity to exhibit His wisdom and display the
riches of His grace to an extent which,
so far as we can see, He never could have otherwise done, had not sin entered
the world. With respect to redemption
Christ has not only reversed the
effects of the Fall, but because of it
has brought in a better situation. If God could have found a way, consistently with His own
character, to restore man to the position which he occupied before he became a transgressor, it would have been a
remarkable triumph, but that through
Christ man should actually be the
gainer is a transcendent miracle
of Divine wisdom and grace. Yet such is precisely the case. The redeemed have
gained more through the last Adam than they lost through the
first Adam. They occupy a more exalted position.
Before the Fall Adam dwelt in an earthly Paradise, but the redeemed have been made to sit with Christ in heavenly places.[9] Through redemption they have been blessed with a
nobler nature. Before the Fall man
possessed a natural life but now all in Christ have been made partakers of the Divine nature. They
have obtained a new standing before God. Recognize that while Adam was created merely innocent, which is a
negative condition, having no sin, believers in Christ are recreated righteous,
which is a positive state. We share a
far better inheritance. Adam was lord of Eden
but believers are “heirs of all things,” “heirs of God and joint heirs with
Through grace we have been made
capable of a deeper joy than unfallen spirits
have known: the bliss of pardoned sin and the heaven of deep conscious
obligation to Divine mercy. In Christ believers enjoy a closer relationship to God than was possible before the Fall. Adam was merely a creature, but
we are members of the body of Christ
- “members of His body, of His flesh
and of His bones.” How marvellous! We have been taken into union with God Himself, so that the Son of God is not ashamed to call us brethren. The Fall provided the
need of Redemption, and through the redeeming work of the Cross, believers have a portion which unfallen Adam could
never have attained unto. Truly, “where sin abounded grace did much more abound.”[11]
Thus, you see that there are two races
that coexist side by side in the world today, those who were born into the race
of Adam, who are dead in trespasses and sins and who are doomed to a Christless
eternity, and those who are born again into the race of Jesus Christ, the
second Adam, who are alive by the Spirit of God and who live in anticipation of
an eternity with Christ in paradise.
What, then, should those of you who
live in Adam’s race do to deal with this race issue? Four things:
Though Christians do not attend church
primarily to benefit unsaved people, those who are of Adam’s race, there is
great benefit to those of Adam’s race who attend when Christians do assemble to
worship God and sit under preaching.
First Corinthians 1.18 and 21 shows
the importance of preaching:
18 For
the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us
which are saved it is the power of God.
21 For
after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased
God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
First Corinthians 14.24-25 shows the
result of preaching:
24 But
if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one
unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
25 And
thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his
face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
Preaching is the primary and most
useful means by which God ministers grace to the unsaved in need of salvation
by grace through faith in Christ.
John Gerstner (1914–1996) wrote, “Who
was ever converted reading what the sinner liked to read, but sinners were
known to be converted forcing themselves to read the Word they hated.” In the
forty-one years of my Christian life I have not found it otherwise. “Who was
ever converted reading what the sinner liked to read, but sinners were known to
be converted forcing themselves to read the Word they hated.”
Additionally, Psalm 119.9 and 11
provide guidance:
9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking
heed thereto according to thy word.
11 Thy
word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Finally, James 1.18 reads, “Of his own
will begat he us with the word of truth. . . .” God uses His Word to inform us
of His Son, to impart unto us faith, and to make us who are of the material
world sensible concerning the spiritual world. In short, apart from His Word
God does not save the souls of sinners.
You should never pretend that any
unsaved person has the same kind of access to God that is guaranteed to the
Christian who has trusted Christ, for that simply is not true. The shed blood
of Christ provides prayer privileges to believers that are simply not granted
to someone in rebellion toward God.
There is a great deal to be gained by
a sinner who is willing to plead with God while recognizing that God is not obligated
to hear his prayers and that God is not obligated to answer his
prayers. That said, sinners are directed in scripture to seek the LORD while He may be found, and God’s
compassions are said to never fail.[12] James
4.2 concludes, “ye have not, because ye ask not.”
Remember the parable of the Pharisee
and the publican who went to the temple to pray. Surely the example of the tax
collector standing before God “saying, God be merciful to me a sinner,”
illustrates the attitude the Savior commends all who are unsaved to adopt.[13]
That you should fix your mind and
heart on a consideration of the Lord Jesus Christ is of paramount importance. The
readers of the letter to the Hebrews are directed to consider Him, to fix their
minds on Him in two different places:[14] Hebrews
3.1 contains these words:
“Wherefore . . . consider the Apostle
and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.”
Hebrews 12.3 reads,
“For consider him that endured such
contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your
So you see, whether in His present
exalted position in glory at God’s right hand, or during His previous condescension
when He walked with us prior to His crucifixion, a person greatly benefits
from, is spiritually enhanced by, and finds beneficial clarification of the
truth surrounding the Lord Jesus Christ by fixing one’s mind on Him, by
considering Him.
To what end is He to be considered who
is the subject of preaching, the topic of scripture, the intent of prayer, and
the consideration of one’s mind? The salvation of your eternal and dying soul,
of course. Keep in mind that Hebrews 7.25 identifies the Lord Jesus Christ as
the one who
“is able also to save them to the
uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession
for them.”
By save, of course, I refer to the
spiritual rescue of someone who is hopelessly lost, the enlivening of one who
is irretrievably dead, the forgiving of one whose sins are otherwise
unforgivable, the adopting of one who is without acceptable parentage, and the
justifying of one who previously had no standing before God.
You see, all of this is very much a
racial issue, but it is unlike any racial issue you are familiar with or that
you have typically given any thought to. The Devil absolutely delights in
people being caught up in what are said to be racial issues that are related to
such mundane issues as skin color, hair texture, a shared plight, a common
heritage, and prejudiced attitudes. However, these are but distractions from
vastly more important matters. The real racial divide, the one that involves
eternity, the one that is related to the torment of unquenchable fire, has nothing
to do with skin tone, hair texture, or anything else so temporary and earthy,
but rather involves one’s relationship with God, be it a relationship of
animosity and opposition or be it a relationship of family based upon the
forgiveness that comes through faith in Christ.
You and I, all of us, were born into
one race, the race headed up by the first man, who stepped into sinful
rebellion against God in the Garden of Eden when he disobeyed. That is the race
of Adam, all of whose members are alienated from God by sin. However, I and
others here today are no longer a part of that race into which we were born,
but are now in the race into which we have been born again, with Jesus Christ
as the head of our new race.
The ultimate destiny of Adam’s race is
Hellfire, damnation, brimstone, outer darkness, gnashing of teeth, the
bottomless pit, and eternal torment. The ultimate destiny of Christ’s race is
glorification, exaltation, eternal life, eternal bliss, fulfillment and
satisfaction, and unspeakable joy. So, how does one become a member of Christ’s
race? One is born a member of Adam’s race, but to become a member of Christ’s
race you must be born again. Until that momentous and eternity altering miracle
takes place you are to attend church faithfully, read God’s Word faithfully,
pray to God to save your soul, and consider the Lord Jesus Christ, the only
savior of sinful men’s souls.
[1] http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html
and http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_transcript.html
[3] Philippe Aries and Georges Duby, general editors, A
History Of Private Life I, Paul Veyne, editor, (Cambridge, MA: The
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1987), pages 117-137.
[4] Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary,
(New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1996), page 1705.
[6] 1 Corinthians 15.45
[7] Matthew 4.4, 7, 10
[8] John 19.28
[9] Ephesians 2.6
[10] Romans 8.17
[11] A debt of gratitude is owed to Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings
In Genesis, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1950), pages 50-55.
[12] Lamentations 3.22
[13] Luke 18.9-14
[14] Fritz Rienecker & Cleon Rogers, Linguistic
Key To The Greek New Testament, (Grand Rapids, MI: Regency Reference
Library, 1980), page 671.
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