Ephesians 5.19-21
I make no apology for being intensely critical of
that which purports to be of God, but which can be shown to be false,
deceitful, and misleading. Having spent a considerable amount of time last week
showing you that the modern day Charismatic and Pentecostal communities are
completely out of touch with Biblical reality when it comes to the filling of
the Holy Spirit, I am now delighted to move on to show you what Spirit-filled
behavior really is. However, before we turn to our text for today, let me
remind you of something the Lord God said through the prophet Isaiah, some
2,700 years ago. Isaiah 55.8-9 reads, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
With these two verses in mind, let us be careful to
remember that while our way of doing something might seem to us to be very
logical, God’s approach to any issue is so superior as to be described as
supralogical. This will mean that what God says about the behavior of a
Spirit-filled believer is almost certainly different than what a
run-of-the-mill Pentecostal or Charismatic person, untutored by God’s Word,
ignorant of God’s will, would think to be true.
In Ephesians 5.18, we read the command to be
continually filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Since the third person of the
Godhead, the Holy Spirit of God, is not a liquid or a gas, this command is
properly understood to be a description of the Holy Spirit’s control over and
influence of a person who consciously and constantly submits to His will. In
addition, since the Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible, we are sure that
there can be no filling of the Holy Spirit without obedience to God’s Word.
In our text for today, Ephesians 5.19-21, before
tackling the very specific kinds of predictable spiritual behavior that Paul
lists from verse 22 onward, we see the general kinds of behavior that anyone
who is truly filled with the Spirit, who is truly submitting to the Holy
Spirit’s rule in his life, will exhibit:
19 Speaking
to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving
thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ;
21 Submitting
yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Let me give you a thirty-second grammar lesson. Take
a verb, which describes an action, and add “ing” to the end of it, and you have
what is called a participle. This modified verb, now called a participle, can
be used to describe a verb. In other words, it can be used just as an adverb is
used, to place limits on a verb, to describe the action of a verb.
In these three verses, we have four groupings of
verbs that have been modified to become participles.
Group number one consists of a single word,
Group number two consists of three words, “singing”,
and “making melody.”
Group number three consists of two words, “giving
Finally, group number four consists of two words,
“submitting yourselves.”
My friends, these participles modify the expression
of a single verb, found back in Ephesians 5.18, “but be filled with the Spirit.” In other words, when Paul issued the command to be
filled with the Spirit, he did not leave us to our own devices to try to figure
out just how a person submits to the Holy Spirit’s will for his life without so
much as a clue. Not at all.
Paul gives us much more than just clues. He comes
right out and tells us. Ephesians 5.22-6.9 provides for us very specific and
detailed illustration of just how a Spirit-filled person is supposed to behave
to show forth his submission to the Holy Spirit. But before he gets to the
really specific details of the Spirit-filled life, Paul provides for us four
very general categories of behavior that every Spirit-filled believer exhibits,
or is willing to exhibit as soon as he knows just what it is the Holy Spirit
wants from him.
Are you a new Christian? Have you not been saved for
that long a time? Are you concerned about just what it is the Holy Spirit wants
from you, in general terms? Well, hang on, because this is exactly what Paul
has for us in these three verses.
Four sets of descriptions of how Spirit-filled people
act, these four sets of participles I told you about. Let us look at them one
at a time.
First, Spirit-filled people are people who speak to
each other in songs and hymns and spiritual songs. Three things to be observed
about this first activity: First, that word “yourselves” refers, not to singing
to yourself in the shower, but to singing to one another. Second, songs, hymns,
and spiritual songs, does not refer only to singing the Psalms found in the Old
Testament. And third, notice that songs are to be of the spiritual variety.
This lets us know that composed music is appropriate to sing to each other, if
it is spiritual. The intimation, of course, being that not all so-called
Christian music is actually spiritual.
Folks, when it comes time to sing songs to one
another . . . do you? If you are Spirit-filled, you do. If you are not
Spirit-filled, you do not.
What do we have, so far? This first phrase describing
Spirit-filled behavior is obviously corporate. That is, you do not have
Spirit-filled behavior performed in isolation, at this point. Oh, you can be
Spirit-filled while you are alone in a room, but what Paul is showing us is
that at least this kind of Spirit-filled behavior must take place in public,
and not only in a church service. So much for isolationist, keep it to yourself,
Christianity. Amen?
Next, Spirit-filled people are those who are engaged
in singing and making melody in their hearts to the Lord. Whereas speaking to
yourselves is back and forth with other Christians, singing and making melody
takes place in your heart, and is directed to the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is Spirit-filled worship that takes place while driving to and from work,
while walking down the street, while bent over your desk. But primarily this is
worship that starts in your own heart and is sent heavenward to the Savior.
Third, there is giving thanks. When you are thankful
and when you give thanks you are filled with the Spirit of God. He is controlling
your life. He is directing you. Such thankfulness is supposed to occur at all
times, for all things, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (in whom we have
our standing before God as believers), and to God. “Thank you, Father, for the
distress I am in. I know that because I have trusted Christ and am now your
child, these things have come upon me for the advancement of your cause and my
own personal good.” Such thanks directed to God can only, really, be prompted
by the Holy Spirit.
Participles are also somewhat like verbs, in that
they can be active, passive and middle, just like verbs. That is, they can
describe the action of a verb that is something you do (active), something you
allow to be done (passive), or something you do to or for yourself (middle).
The first participle, “speaking,” is active because
it is conduct directed toward other Christians.
The second, “singing and making melody,” is active
because singing and making melody is directed toward Jesus.
The third participle, “giving thanks,” is also active
because thanksgiving is directed toward God.
But the last participle speaks of something you do to
yourself, so it, understandably, is in the middle voice. Verse 21 reads,
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” When you submit you
are not so much doing something toward some other person as to yourself. In
Philippians chapter 2, we become aware of the fact that before the Lord Jesus
Christ submitted Himself to the death of the cross He first humbled Himself. Therefore,
submission is primarily a thing that is accomplished in your own humbled mind
and heart. Would you submit yourselves to one someone else? Then you must be of
humble mind and heart. Would you submit yourselves to one another? You must
first submit yourselves to the Holy Spirit of God.
However, why would a Christian choose to do that? Because
he fears God. Friend, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the beginning
of knowledge, the motivation to depart from evil, and an integral factor in
being willing to submit to other believers.
So we see then, spiritual behavior, Spirit-filled
behavior, the way a Christian acts who is consciously and constantly seeking to
subordinate his own will to the will of the Holy Spirit of God Who indwells
him, will always have four characteristics associated with it:
Toward other Christians, singing psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs. Participation in singing.
Toward the Savior, heart songs and melodies offered
up to Jesus.
Toward God the Father, thanks at all times for all
things, in Jesus’ name.
And toward yourself, so submitting to the will of the
Holy Spirit that you will submit to others. Why? Because He wants you to, that
is why.
Spirit-filled Christians are those who publicly sing
to each other and lift each other’s spirits in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, who have a musical love affair with the Savior in their hearts, who are
constantly thankful to God for everything they encounter in life, and who
actually, motivated by their fear of God, submit to other believers. Other
kinds of behavior may pass for Spirit-filled behavior, but Scripture is clear
and it has spoken.
Imagine, if you would, some well-educated,
sophisticated, logically thinking, materially successful, athletically
coordinated, sharply attired, highly skilled, Biblically astute Christian man
(we will call him Al), discussing something with another Christian (we will
call him Bo), who did not graduate from high school, who is myopic and
uncoordinated, who doesn’t know Scripture very well, who is an immature
believer, and who is not skilled in articulation or debate. In short, Bo is
Just suppose I have asked Bo to cook some hamburgers
on the grill for a men’s activity. Moments later Al arrives, who is the world’s
best hamburger cook. As Al says “Hi” and walks up to the grill the burgers are
being grilled on, Bo says, “Would you do me a favor and turn these burgers over
for me real quick? I need to go the rest room. It is important to me that you
turn them over right now. I want to do a good job for the pastor on these
burgers.” Al says “Okay,” and then notices that Bo is not cooking these burgers
the best way he could, because he just does not know any better. He is not as
good a cook as Al.
What does a Spirit-filled Al do in Bo’s absence? He
does just exactly what his less well-informed, less skilled, less
sophisticated, and less astute brother in Christ wants him to do. And by doing that,
he, as a Spirit-filled Christian, is submitting himself to Bo. Before he came
to Christ, or before he was as spiritually mature and committed to obeying the
Holy Spirit as he is now, Al would have done one of two things. He either would
have engaged Bo in an argument to talk him into doing things his way (in the
past things had to always be done Al’s way), or he would have done what he
wanted to do when Bo went to the bathroom and let Bo find out about it later.
Why does Al submit to Bo now? Because Al, who is now
a Spirit-filled believer, submits to other Christians. Not that Al walks around
saying to himself, “I’m Spirit filled, I’m Spirit-filled.” But Al does walk around
seeking, either consciously or unconsciously, to do God’s will, to obey
Scripture, and to allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead him, to guide him, and
to control both his thinking and his personality. In short, Al is seeking to
obey, in every area of his life, the command to be filled with the Spirit.
At this point, a question ought to be asked by
inquiring minds. “How can such behavior as Al’s be explained? Why would a man
want to submit to someone who is not as smart, sophisticated, or seasoned as he
is? And why would he think that such submission really is Spirit-filled
To answer these questions, let me start from the end
and work backwards. Let me take you to Al’s willingness to cook the hamburgers
Bo’s way, even though he thought his way was better. There are four events in
this spiritual progression, seen opposite the way things unfolded in Al’s life,
that will work us back, from where Al presently is, to where he used to be.
Along the way, we may just pass by where you are this morning.
What is commitment? Commitment is assuming personal
responsibility for the performance of duty. Before Al would ever submit to Bo,
which is Spirit-filled behavior, he had first to commit himself to the task of
behaving in a way that was pleasing to the Holy Spirit, whose will he was
seeking to obey. You see, a Spirit-filled Christian sees the personality of the
Holy Spirit, and does not react to Him as though he were following a bunch of
rules and regulations. He is committed to yielding to a divine Person who has
expressed His will to us.
Think about commitment in this context for a moment.
People do not usually think about commitment when they think about being
Spirit-filled. When most people think about Spirit-filled, they imagine being
overwhelmed, being overcome, being bowled over by the Spirit of God. But that,
my friends, is not a description of the filling of the Spirit of God. That is closer
to being a description of revival, which is another issue entirely.
Look back at our text for today. Each and every one
of the four groups of activities that is demonstrated by each and every
believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit of God are things that the
Spirit-filled person does, not things that the Spirit-filled person has done to
him, and not the way a Spirit-filled person feels.
Consider Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail. They
had been arrested and severely beaten. Yet Acts chapter 16 tells us that in
that dungeon they sang praises to God. Do you honestly think they did that
because they felt like singing? Did they do that because they felt buoyant and
lighthearted? Do you imagine they felt like Gene Kelly, singing in the chains?
God’s people simply have to rid themselves of this
false notion that Spirit-filled servants of God feel wonderful inside all the time. What translates into
the kind of behavior that we have read about this morning has nothing to do
with feelings. It has everything to do with commitment, with following through
on a decision to do what the Holy Spirit wants you to do, no matter how you
feel, and no matter who is looking.
Sing the hymns, sing in your heart, thank God for
everything, and submit to one another, not because you like it, or because you
are good at it, but because, bless God, it is the Holy Spirit’s will for your
life. But what brings a person to this point of commitment, where he will
assume personal responsibility for doing what the Spirit of God wants him to
do, even when it hurts?
If commitment has to do with assuming personal
responsibility to submit to the will of God by submitting to others, by
worshipping God in your heart, by being thankful, by ministering to others in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, then consecration must be understood to
be something quite different. And indeed, it is. Consecration refers to
recognizing something as being sacred, set apart, and devoted.[1]
Before you will ever commit yourself to behaving in a
manner pleasing to the Spirit of God, you must first recognize what your relationship
to Him is. First Corinthians 6.19-20 declares that your body is the temple of
the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, and that you are not your own, because you have
been bought with the precious blood of Christ.
Do you realize what that means?
It means that the child of God does not own himself.
It means the child of God, that person who trusts Jesus,
has no right to make personal decisions that affect your life . . . because it
is not your life anymore. Not if you are truly saved.
Before anyone will ever commit to doing what the
Spirit of God wants him to do, or commands him to do, he must first recognize
the Holy Spirit’s absolute right to issue those commands. Consecration occurs
in a believer’s life when you realize that you are owned, that the Spirit of
God possesses you, and that you have no right to make your own decisions,
unless they are decisions made with the intention of pleasing the indwelling
Spirit of God.
Consecration recognizes the Holy Spirit’s absolute
right to command you, and your total obligation to cease and desist this
resistance to His will for your life.
Consecration results in your recognition that the
Holy Spirit ought to be allowed to dominate and control your life, and that
resistance to His will, and the exercise of your will instead of His, is sin.
Of course, consecration will never result in sinlessness.
We recognize that. But when there is consecration, seeing the absolute right of
the Holy Spirit not just to live inside you, but to lead and guide you, then
will come that personal commitment to execute those specific acts of obedience
that demonstrate the Holy Spirit’s control of your life.
In Philippians 2.13, Paul tells us “God worketh in
you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” Who is Paul writing to? He is
writing to saved people. My friends, only saved people become concerned, truly
concerned, about God’s will for their lives.
It is a saved person who truly has God as his
heavenly Father. The lost man’s father, on the other hand, is the devil. Therefore,
only when a person is saved does he truly begin to concern himself with God’s
will for his life in an unselfish way. Here is the sequence of events: The
Christian becomes concerned about God’s will for his life. This motivation
comes from fear of God and love for God. Desiring God’s will, the believer
comes to know that God has commanded him to be filled with the Spirit of God,
to submit to the Holy Spirit’s control over his life.
When the believer decides to obey the command to be Spirit-filled,
he has, in effect, consecrated himself. He knows that he is intended by God to
be of service to God. So he prays and surrenders to the Spirit’s will and
control, the Spirit’s filling if you will. But is he Spirit-filled yet? No. It
is not until he recognizes his personal responsibility to actually do what the
Spirit of God wants, instead of waiting for some super mysterious experience or
to be manipulated like a puppet on a string, that he actually does what the
Spirit of God commands and is controlled by the Spirit of God, which is
The believer’s concern makes him want to do God’s
will. The believer’s consecration makes him decide to obey the command to be
Spirit-filled. And the believer’s commitment actually results in the behavior,
which shows him to be Spirit-filled.
There is much confusion in this world about the
filling of the Holy Spirit. As I mentioned earlier, so many people think that
when the Holy Spirit fills a believer the Spirit of God overwhelms him. But
does scripture support such a notion? No. The Bible clearly teaches that the
responsibility to be filled with the Spirit of God is yours. Therefore, it is
not up to the Spirit of God to decide to overwhelm you and sweep aside your
will in dramatic fashion. Such a thing as that is closer to being revival than
the filling of the Spirit. When the Spirit of God fills you it is because you
have chosen to do what the Holy Spirit wants you to do. That is commitment. But
commitment follows consecration, knowing that you ought to do what the Spirit
commands. But that follows concern for the will of God, which only the
converted person truly has.
Know what I think? I think people do not commit to do
God’s will, showing they are Spirit-filled, until they are consecrated to God’s
service. And they are not consecrated to God’s service until they are concerned
about God’s will. Moreover, the reason people are unconcerned about God’s will
is that they are not converted.
See how it all ends up right only when it starts out
right? First, conversion. Then, concern. Third, consecrated. Then comes the
commitment to obey and do His will.
I close with this question: Are you converted? Jesus
said, “Except ye be converted ye shall all likewise perish.” Would that not
answer a great many questions? Are you really converted? Jesus came from
heaven’s glory, the Son of God, to become the sacrifice for sins on Calvary’s
cross. On that cross He suffered and bled and died to wash away the sins of
those who would trust Him to save them from their sins. After that He was
buried, but rose again on the third day, and ascended to heaven, where He now
sits at the Father’s right hand. It is from the throne room of heaven that He
offers to save you from your sins right now.
Won’t you trust Jesus to save you and be converted?
Perhaps you have had many spiritual experiences, but you have never been
converted. If you are converted, truly converted, then you will become
Biblically concerned about God’s will for your life, consecrated to His
service, and committed to obedience. That is what being filled with the Spirit
of God is really all about.
[1] Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1996), page 388.
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