Romans 3.11
turn in your Bible to Ephesians 2.12, where the Apostle Paul rehearses with his
beloved converts in
you are not Jewish, you are a Gentile. Presuming that you are lost, you are of
those to whom God has made no promises, of those who are aliens from the
friend, if you are an unsaved person your predicament is utterly hopeless. You
need nothing less than a great miracle from God to pass from death unto life,
from gloom to glory, from sinfulness to sainthood. Fortunately for you, such
miracles are the stock in trade of this church’s ministry, as we declare the
unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ, who left heaven’s glory, who died on the
cross of
In an effort to answer that question, “Why did Jesus come and do what He did?” we will examine three lines of related thought.
Turn to Romans 3.11, noticing that the verse concludes, “There is none that seeketh after God.” That is a very direct statement, is it not? I want you to observe two things about this very straightforward declaration.
First, it is an inclusive declaration. Webster’s “New Universal Unabridged Dictionary,” the one that weighs about fourteen pounds, defines inclusive as “Including or tending to include; especially, taking every thing into account; reckoning everything.”[1] If that is what it means for a statement to be inclusive, then this statement that comprises our text really is inclusive. Paul, you may remember from the verses leading up to Romans 3.11, is seeking to show to his readers some universal truths about the state and the nature of all mankind. Therefore, what he says in the second half of our verse really is inclusive, really does make a statement about every human being. There really are not those who do seek after God. I know. I know. There are preachers who frequently refer to those who are seeking God. There are even churches that have self-described seeker services. However, this verse says what it says, and the Bible is internally consistent. Properly understood, the Bible never disagrees with itself.
Along that line of thinking, this statement is not only inclusive. It is also a conclusive declaration. From that same dictionary we see that conclusive is defined as, “Final; forming the end. Decisive; settling the question; putting an end to the debate; convincing; leaving no room for doubt.” Ponder that statement in Romans 3.11: “There is none that seeketh after God.” Does the Apostle Paul equivocate here? Does he leave any room for doubt about what he means? Does he not make an absolute statement of fact? Sure he does. For anyone who believes the Bible, the issue is now finally settled. “There is none that seeketh after God.” Include every member of the human race in your deliberations. Conclude that they do not seek after God. Period.
Accepting that what scripture says about people in Romans 3.11, we are left, nevertheless, a little puzzled. Without doubting the truthfulness of God’s Word, there are observations that each of us has made that need explanation or that require some clarification.
let me bring up those people who are religious. It is a point of fact that men
throughout the world are religious. Whether they are animists in
let me bring up those people who really seek God. Exodus 33.7 speaks concerning
the children of
Rightly does the Bible say, “There is none that seeketh after God.” It has been that way from the beginning. After disobeying God, Adam and Eve established a pattern of behavior that has been repeated by every other human being throughout the course of human history. They, of course, sinned by eating forbidden fruit. After trying to cover their nakedness with fig leaves, they ran and hid from the presence of God. Genesis 3.9-10 says, “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.”
My friends, thus it has ever been. We are all sinners in the sight of a holy God. We try to cover our nakedness in His sight by various means, sometimes by involvement in religion, and sometimes by doing various kinds of good works. Failing that, we run and hide from Him. Note that. We do not run to the One Who can help us. We run from Him. As already observed, some people run from God by running to religion. Others run from God by running headlong into greater and greater sin. Still others run from God by running to the companionship of unsaved or unspiritual family or friends. Still others run from God by absorbing themselves in different distractions. Finally, there are those who think themselves to be successful in running from God by denying His existence.
The fact remains. We run from Him. We do not seek after Him. It is for that reason Jesus came to us. That is why He said, “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”[2] Friends, the coming of Christ to this earth is one of the strongest proofs there can be that man does not seek after God, for if man sought the face of God, why would Jesus need to come and seek after man? No, man does not seek after God. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, instead, seeks after man.
“There is none that seeketh after God.” When you couple that with the fact that those who do not seek after God are lost and undone, and are running from the only One Who can save them from a devil’s Hell, the picture looks very bleak. Why would you run from God? Especially when your only destiny, if you are successful in your flight from Him, is Hell? Is man so blind that he cannot see that God loves him? Yes. Man is that blind. Is man so depraved that he thinks that he can possibly get away with sin? Yes. Man is that depraved.
That is why your only possible hope is for Jesus Christ to seek you out, for the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sin, for God, Who has your heart in His hand, to turn it toward Himself. Is that happening, my friend? Is God turning you? Is the Holy Spirit of God convicting you? Is Jesus Christ seeking after one who is lost? It is not a matter of feelings that should be your guide, but your willingness. If you will come, God is turning you. If you will come, the Spirit is convicting you. If you will come to Jesus, then He will have finally found you.
Do the only thing that you can possibly do and come out ahead. Be turned by God. Do not resist. Plead guilty when the Spirit convicts. It is the only way. Stop fleeing and be caught by the Lord Jesus, for when He catches you He will only forgive you, He will only give you eternal life, and He will only save you from the sin that drags you into Hellfire.
Come to Jesus right now.
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