I previously began speaking to you about the most extensive and most prosperous sport in America, Christianity. I was only half-joking, pointing out that Christianity, for most of those who go to Church, is a once a week spectator event. People go to the arena, or should I say auditorium, and they mostly sit and observe while some people sing and then some guy, usually it’s a guy, speaks for a while. You will recall that I transitioned from that sarcasm to a focused message on one of the things that even unusually active Christians seldom do, which is interpret the Bible.
It is a beautiful thing for Christians to be involved in ministry and to engage in evangelism by witnessing and by inviting people to Church. However, if the Christian life can be likened to physical metabolism, that sort of thing is mostly akin to exhaling. As crucial to the maintenance of biological life as exhaling is inhaling. If you don’t breathe, you die. And if you are unable to breathe deeply, you will not be healthy.
Reading your Bible, listening to sermons, sitting under Bible teaching, memorizing a critical Bible verse from time to time, and being involved in weekly discipleship, can be likened to inhaling. However, it is frequently very shallow breathing. When a believer begins to interpret that portion of God’s Word that he is studying, he begins to breathe deeply.
How much more beneficial is Bible reading, listening to sermons, taking in a Bible lesson, and memorizing a portion of Scripture, when the individual is also interpreting the Word of God. How much easier it is to memorize a verse that you have analyzed. And how much a part of hiding God’s Word in your heart is the process of reading a verse, studying a verse or a topic, interpreting that verse or subject, and then meditating on the meaning of that verse or that topic and its implications for your life?
In this message, I want to build on what I spoke about when I brought to your attention two areas of Bible truth worthy of your attention, your interest, your investigation, and your interpretation of Bible truth. Those two areas were the doctrine of sin and the doctrine of salvation. They ought to be areas of vital concern and ongoing interpretation and reinterpretation for the rest of your life. The Christian never stops reading the Bible, studying the Bible, or interpreting the Bible. I add two more doctrines as starting points to investigate, analyze, and interpret in an ongoing fashion as a lifelong Christian pursuit. Of course, along the way, you will add to these four topics according to your interest and likely reflect the Holy Spirit's spiritual gifts.
As a caution, let me comfort you with the reality that no two believers in Jesus Christ will study and interpret the Bible in an identical fashion. This is because not only are individual believers affected by the differing spiritual equipment given to them by the Holy Spirit, offices and administrations we occupy, but we are also each influenced by our life experiences and the varying degrees of spiritual illumination provided for us by the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the kind of flower you will blossom into being will be a unique expression of your spiritual potential and the blessings of God’s grace in your life. I can tell you this. What God does with you as you seek to plumb the depths of His Word, and the insights that He will give to you that He will give to no one else in quite the same way, will not only bring Him great glory but will also open to you tremendous opportunities to minister to other people in ways that no other Christian can match.
Let us turn now to the remaining two topics that I suggest to you as additional starting points in your interpretation of the truths of God’s Word:
Have you noticed something peculiar in these troubled times we live in, particularly concerning political issues? More than at any other time in my life, because I am not a political isolationist, I find myself seeking to form political alliances and philosophical agreements with those who are not believers in Jesus Christ. This is not necessarily a bad thing, in light of what the Apostle Paul writes in Galatians 6.10:
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
Anyone who knows me recognizes that I have no interest in the mistreatment of anyone or the display of intolerance toward anyone. My father, with whom I have a profound disagreement about all things religious and political, congratulates me about every third telephone conversation we have that I am the least bigoted person he knows. I mention that to point out that I have no awareness of racial or ethnic animosity toward anyone. It is simply not a part of my makeup, and I categorically reject everything about Critical Race Theory and accusations that spring from that corrupt communistic ideology.
That said, what is a part of my makeup, which was also a part of the Apostle Paul’s makeup, is pointed out in Second Corinthians 5.16:
“Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.”
Meaning? Meaning Paul and his co-laborers no longer viewed anyone in terms of their ethnicity, their skin color, their culture, or their conduct and practices. The filters through which Paul and his companions viewed other human beings were entirely their connection with Jesus Christ. Sadly, that is not the case with every believer, and there is evidence that was not the case with Simon Peter. But it was the case with the Apostle Paul and his colleagues.
In the very next verse, he writes,
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
What are the implications of this biblical reality? Here are some of the consequences in my life. I am willing to form a political alliance with Ben Shapiro. I am willing to form a political alliance with Larry Elder. I am willing to form a political alliance with Candace Owens. And I am willing to form a political alliance with Rick Grenell. With respect to the political arena, I do not care that Shapiro is religious Jew who rejects Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah. I do not care that Elder is black. I do not care that Owens is a woman. Concerning political alliances, I do not care that Ambassador Grenell is gay. However, with respect to their spiritual condition, my concern is whether or not each of those individuals has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please do not leave the auditorium convinced that I do not recognize the Pharisaism of Ben Shapiro. Please do not leave the auditorium convinced that I do not recognize the inconsistency of Candace Owens claiming to be a Christian while dropping F-bombs from time to time in her YouTube videos. Please do not leave the auditorium convinced that I do not recognize Larry Elder’s libertarianism's inconsistency and the typical libertarian’s willingness to tolerate abortion. Please do not leave the auditorium thinking that I minimize the grievous error of Ambassador Rick Grenell thinking he can be a practicing homosexual and also a real Christian.
I cite these individuals as examples of the Apostle Paul’s insistence that, concerning his relationships and views of human beings, one’s relationship with Jesus Christ alters everything. Red, yellow, black, or white; all are precious in His sight. And, ultimately, the only thing that matters for anyone who is standing at the door leading to eternity is, “What have you done with Jesus Christ?”
I can and do get along with just about anyone, though I emphatically maintain that no matter how much I like you, you are destined to an eternity in the lake of fire if you die without Christ. I am convinced God would have us to view everything and everyone through the Jesus Christ filter.
Suppose you commit yourself to become a student of Jesus Christ, studying what the Bible teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ, and seeking to understand the facts that you mine from the text of God’s Word by interpreting them. How can you not become the best you that by the grace of God is possible? The solution to every problem you and I will ever face, be it personal sin, be it interpersonal relationships, be it family issues, or personal development, is the person and work of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
Here are three places to start concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, not in order of importance:
First, interpret God’s Word to formulate for yourself a portrait of Christ. Read those portions of the Word of God that speak directly to forming a picture in your mind and an understanding in your heart of the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that although He is the eternal Son of the living God, He is also a man. Recognize that while your interpretation of the Lord Jesus Christ will grow and develop, you will not ever be able to claim that you completely and fully grasp Him. On the one hand, He is the enthroned Lord of glory that the Seraphims dare not look upon, Isaiah 6.2. Yet, on the other hand, He is also the meek and lowly Savior who was adored by little children and helpless women. Kings and potentates look upon their subjects with scowling ferocity while yelling at them and intimidating them. Yet the Lord Jesus dared to heal a crippled man on the Sabbath. And when His religious enemies plotted against Him, Matthew’s Gospel explains His actions by quoting Isaiah 42.2 with these words describing His gentleness and tenderness:
“A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench.”
How can He be both terrible in majesty and the meek and lowly Savior? Yet, He is. Look for these apparent contradictions that come together in our Lord Jesus Christ as the God-Man, and take note of these things so that your grasp of your Savior will grow and develop in your mind and heart.
Next, interpret God’s Word so that you interpret for yourself those teachings of God’s Word that assert Christ’s preeminence. In Colossians 1.18, the Apostle Paul writes,
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”
Ever wonder what preeminence means? The Greek word is prwteÏw, meaning to be first, first to hold, the chief place. How likely are you to commit the idolatry of putting yourself in first place if you are committed to studying about and interpreting what the Bible says about the preeminence of Christ? What about idolizing your spouse? What about idolizing your children? What about idolizing your career? What about idolizing your pastor, which is an issue in some Churches, but certainly I hope not this one? Can you not imagine what kinds of problems some Christians wrestle with that would be eliminated from their lives if only they studied the topic of the preeminence of Christ and interpreted those portions of Scripture dealing with that topic so that they might apply what they have learned to their own situation?
Third, with respect to the doctrine of the Savior, let me suggest that you study and seek to interpret for yourself what God’s Word teaches about the power of Christ. Consider Revelation 1.8. Reflect with me on the Savior’s words to John, but especially the final word of the statement:
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
By this time in the apostle’s life, all the others who walked with the Savior during His earthly ministry have died. Only John is yet alive. Only John will die a natural death.
You might think that the Apostle John had seen it all and experienced it all, but you would be mistaken. He had survived more than 60 years of persecution. He had survived at least one attempt on his own life. He had seen the faith delivered to the saints spread from the British Isles in the West to India in the East, from Europe to the North, and Africa to the South. Yet the Lord Jesus Christ placed some icing on His old servant’s cake. He reminded John that He was the Almighty. And after He communicated to Him the seven letters to the angels of seven Churches, He proceeded to show Him how He was going to top off everything He had already done. Of course, this will be Revelation chapters 4-22.
What do you think reminding John that He is the Almighty will do to prepare the old apostle? How do you think it would encourage him? How do you think it would bolster him to be reminded that his Lord, his Master, his Savior is the Almighty? You might also ask what it might do for you? If you study the work of Christ in the Bible, from His Incarnation to His miracles and healings, to His glorious resurrection, and His ascension into glory, might interpreting such things yourself affect your outlook on life? Are you ever discouraged? Do you ever feel helpless? How might interpreting what the Bible teaches about your Savior’s power bolster you at such times?
Among Bible-believing Christians down through the centuries, there have been three main views concerning the chronology of the Lord Jesus Christ’s return to earth from heaven in power and great glory. The study of last things is popularly referred to as prophecy and referred to by Bible commentators as eschatology. My intention is to provide you with a 30,000-foot overview of the views held by conscientious and Bible-believing Christians, after which I will relate to you (without proofs) the position that I have regarding the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everything related to eschatology, the doctrine of last things, the most significant being the bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ, has to do with the relationship of the timing of Christ’s coming to the millennium, which is the 1000 year reign on earth of Jesus Christ. Those who believe the Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish the millennium, meaning the Lord Jesus Christ comes before the millennium, are referred to as premillennialists. Those who believe the Lord Jesus Christ returns after the millennium, embracing the belief that the world becomes increasingly Christianized over time so that a 1000 year millennium will be in place to welcome the Second Coming of Christ, are referred to as post-millennialists. Amillennialists subscribe to the understanding that references in Scripture to a millennium are essentially symbolic and that there will be no literal 1000 year millennium on earth, either before or after the Second Coming of Christ.
There is evidence to support the claim that the first few centuries of the Christian era saw Christians embracing some form of premillennialism. The influence of Augustine and others in the third century led to the adoption of amillennialism. This position is held by the Roman Catholic Church as well as the majority of the Protestant Reformers. A number of the Puritans in England and the American colonies were post-millennial, a view held by many until the tragedy of World War I disillusioned their hope of improvement in the world. Premillennialism began to retake hold, especially in the United States, in the 1800s and became the dominant position held by churchgoers throughout the 20th century.
Premillennialists, post-millennialists, and amillennialists subscribe to the visible, bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth. Adherents of all three positions also believe in Hell’s reality, the fact of future judgment, and the existence of the lake of fire for the Devil and fallen angels, as well as for all who die without Christ.
I am persuaded that the different positions held by good men and women, who love the Lord and believe the Bible, are the result of three factors: First, there is the factor of spiritual illumination. Spiritual truth can only be learned when the Holy Spirit of God illuminates the believer’s understanding. That said, some of the differences of belief between any two Christians results from the Holy Spirit never illuminating anyone completely this side of heaven and never illuminating two different believers equally. This is just a fact.
Second, baggage. Every believer brings into his or her Christian life beliefs held prior to conversion. This is true of everyone, and this spiritual baggage explains some of the differences held by wonderful Christians concerning the Second Coming of Christ and the millennium. Third, assumptions differentiated from baggage. I speak here of assumptions made after conversion about how to approach one’s study of last things. It is impossible to learn without making some assumptions as an intellectual starting point to understanding what you seek to learn, and your premises will generally have far-reaching consequences.
Two assumptions that I have tried to maintain consistency regarding are the assumption that in the Bible, Israel is not the Church, and the Church is not Israel. Israel is the covenant nation descended from Abraham, and the Church will be comprised of every kindred, tongue, and tribe trusting Christ in the Age of Grace. You are born into Israel, and you are born again into the Church of the firstborn. The second assumption I try to maintain consistency about is a historical-grammatical approach to studying and interpreting the Word of God. Everyone tries to approach Bible interpretation in a grammatical-historical way, but the three different positions reflect different degrees of success.
This 30,000-foot overview complete, let me briefly state my position regarding four things:
First, the Rapture. I am persuaded the next significant event on the prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the Church Age believers by the Lord Jesus Christ. I think the Rapture is distinguished from the Second Coming in several ways. I mention two of those ways at this time: First, at the time of the Rapture, the Lord Jesus Christ does not appear visibly or come to the earth. With the Rapture, the Lord Jesus Christ meets us in the air. Second, the Rapture is imminent, meaning that while it is expected and anticipated, the Rapture's timing is not known.
Next, the Revelation. The revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ is that event described in Revelation 19.11-21 that features the visible, return of Jesus Christ to earth in power and great glory. This will occur precisely three and one-half years after the abomination of desolation, Matthew 24.15-31:
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
Without counting, I suspect there are ten times as many passages in the Bible addressing the Second Advent of Jesus Christ as passages suggest the Rapture. Therefore, it is no surprise to me that among those who see Christ’s return as preceding the establishment of His millennial kingdom on earth, there is still considerable disagreement about what will occur in the seven years leading up to His Second Coming. I embrace a pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church. Some adhere to a mid-tribulation Rapture of the Church. And some endorse the view that the Rapture of the Church will be virtually simultaneous with Christ’s visible return to earth. These differences are typically the result of how closely one adheres to the ideal of a grammatical-historical approach to Bible interpretation.
Third, the Reign. Revelation 1.19:
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.”
I am convinced this is the outline of John’s Revelation, with “the things which thou hast seen” being chapter one, “the things which are” being chapters two and three, “and the things which shall be hereafter” being chapters four through twenty-two. Because I am convinced John’s Revelation is the only book of the Bible that provides an outline to understanding its chronology, I am convinced that after the description of Christ’s return in chapter 19, we find the establishing of His millennial kingdom referred to in chapter 20. Revelation 20.1-8:
1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
The fact that chapter 20 comes after chapter 19, meaning the remarks about the millennium after the record of the Second Coming, reinforces my conviction that the Second Coming of Christ is a pre-millennial return, is a return for the purpose of establishing Christ’s millennial kingdom. As well, that John refers to the thousand years six times in five verses, verses 2-6, with notable specificity, enforces my understanding that the millennium will be a literal kingdom on earth lasting a thousand years, and is not a merely symbolic representation as the amillennialist supposes. Jesus Christ will reign on earth for one thousand years.
Fourth, the Retribution. Retribution refers to deserved punishment for evil done. The retribution that I refer to as a topic of your study and interpretation is the eternal torment of the damned. Everyone who dies without Christ will pass into eternal damnation and will have no second chance for forgiveness. This life is each person’s opportunity to prepare for eternity, and those who have not prepared will suffer punishment forever. For your starting point, I would suggest Revelation 20.14, which provides important information for you to build on:
“And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”
First, notice that mention is made of Hell. Yet this reference to Hell reveals that the unsaved consigned to Hell will not be in Hell forever, since Hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Hell is the temporary abode of the damned. The lake of fire, on the other hand, is the eternal abode of the damned, and as horrible as the torment of those in Hell (“I am tormented in this flame,” Luke 16.24), the lake of fire, created for the Devil and his angels, Matthew 25.41, will be so much worse. Can any Christian study this matter and engage in his or her interpretation of the meaning and implications of these truths without being a more conscientious Christian? Take more seriously the importance of witnessing to parents, spouses, children, siblings, friends, neighbors, and colleagues?
You now have all you need to decide your future as a Christian who seeks to establish your own beliefs, determining your positions on important matters.
What about the Word of God? How about studying and interpreting what you believe about the Bible? That is important, and I certainly encourage you to study and interpret for yourself what you think the Bible teaches about the Bible.
That said if you are a Christian, you already believe the Bible is the Word of God. You already believe the Bible is true. Even if not verbalized, you already have convictions about Scripture.
If you do not, you are not a real Christian at all.
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