To read the text click on the title.\* indicates sermon not preached at Calvary Road Baptist Church
Date Title/Message Text Order Cassette/CD
12/30/2001 "Marching Orders" Matthew 28.16-20 Not Available
12/23/2001 "A Reason For Weeping" John 20.13 Mail/Phone
12/16/2001 "The Gift Of Tongues" Mail/Phone
12/16/2001 "Shall He Find Faith On The Earth?" Luke 18.8b Mail/Phone
12/09/2001 "Have I Begotten You?" Philemon 10 Mail/Phone
12/02/2001 "Atmosphere Without Anarchy" First Corinthians 14.23-40 Mail/Phone
12/02/2001 "De-Emphasizing Preaching" First Corinthians 1.21 Mail/Phone
11/25/2001 "The Role Of Tongues" First Corinthians 14.1-22 Mail/Phone
11/25/2001 "De-Emphasizing Church" Hebrews 10.23-25 Mail/Phone
11/25/2001 "Without Carefulness" First Corinthians 7.32 Mail/Phone
11/18/2001 "The Nobility Of Love" Part 2 First Corinthians 13.8-13 Mail/Phone
11/18/2001 "Family Foes" Matthew 10.36 Mail/Phone
11/18/2001 "Your Final Destiny Is Not Marriage" Mark 12.25 Mail/Phone
11/11/2001 "The Nobility OF Love" Part 1 First Corinthians 13.8-13 Mail/Phone
11/11/2001 "Jesus, The Pearl Of Great Price" Matthew 13.45-46 Mail/Phone
11/04/2001 "LOVE’S REFUSAL" Part 3 First Corinthians 13.4-7 Mail/Phone
11/04/2001 "Come, See A Man" John 4.29 Mail/Phone
10/28/2001 "Southern California Christians" Acts 17.21 Not Available
10/21/2001 "Love's Refusal" Part 2 First Corinthians 13.4-7 Mail/Phone
10/21/2001 "Urging A Sinner To Strive" Hebrews 11.6 Mail/Phone
10/14/2001 "Love's Refusal" Part 1 First Corinthians 13.4-7 Mail/Phone
10/14/2001 "Ten Things Needed To Have A Soul Winning Church" Acts 2 Mail/Phone
10/07/2001 "The Christian And Government Under Siege" Romans 13.1-7 Mail/Phone
10/07/2001 "Strive" Luke 13.23-30 Mail/Phone
10/03/2001 "Islam Has No Solution For Sin" (The Blight Of Islam - 9) Hebrews 12.14 Mail/Phone
09/30/2001 "Islam, A Bloodthirsty Religion" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 8) John 3.3-7 Mail/Phone
09/30/2001 "No Allah In Heaven" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 7) Acts 4.12 Mail/Phone
09/26/2001 "Islam Denies Christ's Crucifixion" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 6) John 14.6 Mail/Phone
09/23/2001 "Islam's Bizarre Beliefs About Women" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 5) First Peter 3.7 Mail/Phone
09/23/2001 "God Is Not Allah & Allah Is Not God" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 4) First Corinthians 8.4 Mail/Phone
09/19/2001 "Islam's Sword Point Evangelism" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 3) Romans 10.10 Mail/Phone
09/16/2001 "Mohammed's Marriage To A Little Girl" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 2) 1 John 4.1 Mail/Phone
09/16/2001 "Islam Dishonors Christ" (The Blight Of Islam - Part 1) Hebrews 7.25 Mail/Phone
09/09/2001 "Humility" Psalm 113.6 Mail/Phone
09/09/2001 "Unnatural Love" First Corinthians 13.4a PayPal Mail/Phone
09/08/2001 "Carte Blanche"

Mark 11.24 PayPal Mail/Phone
09/02/2001 "Without Love" First Corinthians 12.31-13.3 PayPal Mail/Phone
09/02/2001 "No One Gets Saved Who Does Not Understand" Matthew 13.23 PayPal Mail/Phone
08/26/2001 "The Unity Of Christ's Body" Part 2 First Corinthians 12.14-30 PayPal Mail/Phone
08/26/2001 "Are You A Profane Person?" Hebrews 12.14-17 PayPal Mail/Phone
08/22/2001 "From The Head To The Heart" Romans 10.10 PayPal Mail/Phone
08/19/2001 "The Unity Of Christ's Body" Part 1 First Corinthians 12.12-30 PayPal Mail/Phone
08/19/2001 "A Root Of Bitterness" Hebrews 12.15b PayPal Mail/Phone
08/12/2001 "Abraham's Faiths" *

Genesis 15.6; Hebrews 11.8-9, 17

Not Available
08/12/2001 "Discern Between The Righteous And The Wicked" *

Malachi 3.18

Not Available
08/12/2001 "Spurious Conversions"* Not Available
08/05/2001 "Boy, Are You Different!"

First Corinthians 12.4-11

PayPal Mail/Phone
08/05/2001 "Our Conversation, Our Expectation" Philippians 3.20 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/29/2001 "Gifted But Ignorant Of Gifts" First Corinthians 12.1-3 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/29/2001 "The Error Of The Aged" Psalm 10.11 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/22/2001 "The Concern About Communion" First Corinthians 11.17-34 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/22/2001 "Wicked"

Psalm 10.4

PayPal Mail/Phone
07/17/2001 "How To Die" Genesis 27.2 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/15/2001 "The Certain Destruction Of All Who Do Not Seek Salvation Rightly" Luke 13.24 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/15/2001 "Rejoice Young Man" Ecclesiastes 11.9 PayPal Mail/Phone
07/01/2001 "Looking Diligently" Hebrews 12.15a PayPal Mail/Phone
06/24/2001 "Does Your Head Hurt?" First Corinthians 11.2-16 PayPal Mail/Phone
06/24/2001 "I Would See Jesus" Hebrews 12.14 PayPal Mail/Phone
06/10/2001 "The Aim Of Liberty" First Corinthians 10.31-11.1 PayPal Mail/Phone
06/10/2001 "Church Tramps & Sheep Stealers"

First John 2.18-20

PayPal Mail/Phone
06/03/2001 "Consumption And Conscience" First Corinthians 10.23-30 PayPal Mail/Phone
06/03/2001 "Persuading Men"

Second Corinthians 5.11

PayPal Mail/Phone
05/20/2001 "Restrain Yourself" First Corinthians 9.15-27 PayPal Mail/Phone
05/20/2001 "Pastors Who Misdirect Sinners" Revelation 3.20 PayPal Mail/Phone
05/06/2001 "Precious" First Peter 2.7 PayPal Mail/Phone
05/06/2001 "The Devil's Cup" First Corinthians 10.14-22 PayPal Mail/Phone
04/29/2001 "Will You Have An Honorable Funeral?" Psalm 18.42 PayPal Mail/Phone
04/22/2001 "David's Evangelism"

Psalm 4

PayPal Mail/Phone
04/15/2001 "He Must Rise"

John 20.9 PayPal Mail/Phone
04/14/2001 "It Was Not Possible" Acts 2.24 PayPal Mail/Phone
04/11/2001 "What Are The Real Facts Of Easter?" PayPal Mail/Phone
03/25/2001 "Someone Is Watching You" First Corinthians 8.9-13 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/25/2001 "The Counsel-Chamber Of The Wicked" Psalm 2.2-3 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/18/2001 "Dead To Sin" Romans 6.1-5 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/18/2001 "The Prophetic Question" Psalm 2.1 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/11/2001 "Spiritual Climbers" First Corinthians 8.4-8 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/11/2001 "Knowing God" First Corinthians 8.1-3 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/04/2001 "Group Marriage Counseling" Part 5 First Corinthians 7.36-40 PayPal Mail/Phone
03/04/2001 "Poetic Contrast" Psalm 1.1-6 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/25/2001 "Group Marriage Counseling" Part 4 First Corinthians 7.25-35 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/25/2001 "The Dangers Of An Unconverted Member" Psalm 41.9 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/18/2001 "Group Marriage Counseling" Part 3 First Corinthians 7.17-24 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/18/2001 "A Brief Description Of The Christian Faith" PayPal Mail/Phone
02/11/2001 "Group Marriage Counseling" Part 2 First Corinthians 7.12-16 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/11/2001 "Abraham's Faiths" Genesis 15.6; Hebrews 11.8-9, 17 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/04/2001 "Group Marriage Counseling" Part 1 First Corinthians 7.8-11 PayPal Mail/Phone
02/04/2001 "The Essence Of Thievery" Ephesians 4.28 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/21/2001 "To Touch A Woman" First Corinthians 7.1-7 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/21/2001 "FOR THE LORD MOST HIGH IS TERRIBLE" Psalm 47.2 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/14/2001 "Carnality's Ignorance" Part 3 First Corinthians 6.19-20 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/14/2001 "Paul's Autobiographical Theology: Justification" Philippians 3.8c-9 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/07/2001 "How To Die" Genesis 27.2 PayPal Mail/Phone
01/07/2001 "Carnality's Ignorance" Part 2 First Corinthians 6.15-18 PayPal Mail/Phone

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