Scene In Heaven 1B.
The Church In Heaven With Christ, Chapters 4 & 5 2B.
The Great Tribulation In The World, Chapters 6-18 3B.
The Marriage Of The Lamb & The Return Of Christ In Judgment,
Chapter 19 1C.
Four hallelujahs, 19.1-6 2C.
Bride of the Lamb & the marriage supper, 19.7-10 3C.
Return of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, 19.11-16 4C.
Battle of Armageddon, 19.17-18 5C.
The lake of fire opened, 19.19-20 4B.
Millennium, Chapter 20 1C.
Satan bound 1000 years, 20.1-3 2C.
Saints of the Great Tribulation reign with Christ 1000 years,
20.4-6 3C.
Satan loosed after 1000 years, 20.7-9 4C.
Satan cast into the lake of fire & brimstone, 20.10 5C.
Setting of Great White Throne where the damned are judged and
follow Satan into the lake of fire and brimstone, 20.11-15 5B.
Entrance Into Eternity; Eternity Unveiled, Chapters 21 & 22 1C.
New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem, 21.1-2 2C.
New era, 21.3-8 3C.
New Jerusalem, description of the eternal abode of the Bride,
21.9-21 4C.
New relationship - God dwelling with man, 21.22-23 5C.
New center of the New Creation, 21.24-27 6C.
River of the water of life and tree of life, 22.1-5 7C.
Promise of the return of Christ, 22.6-16 8C.
Final invitation and warning, 22.17-19 9C.
Final promise and prayer, 22.20-21 INTRODUCTION: 1.
Turn to Hosea 5.15 and read: “I
will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and
seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.” The
verse we have just read predicts the occasion of the second coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ. He will come when His people acknowledge their offenses
and seek His face. 2.
As the campaign of Armageddon squeezes the regathered Jewish people
in a military vice, with the forces of antichrist to
the north, the forces of the kings of the east coming in from the
east, the southern confederacy coming from the south, and the
Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Jewish people will have nowhere to look
for their deliverance but up. 3.
After three and one half years of hearing the preaching of the
young Jewish evangelists mentioned in Revelation chapters 7 and 14, their
desperate straits will be used by God to persuade them that their
situation is hopeless and that the only one they can turn to for salvation
from their sins and their enemies is their Messiah. 4.
The chapter before us deals with the return of the Lord Jesus
Christ in power and great glory, fulfilling the prediction made in Acts
1.9-11 by the two angels at the time of His glorious ascension to His
Father’s right hand on high: 9 And
when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a
cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And
while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men
stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which
also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this
same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like
manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. (19.1)
And after these
things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia;
Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God 1.
“This chapter is one of the most dramatic in all the Bible. In
it, the Church, the Bride of Christ, is the guest of honor at the marriage
of the Lamb in heaven (vv. 1-10) and returns with Christ in His triumphal
Second Coming (vv. 11-21).”[1] 2.
“The first ten verses are parenthetical, depicting heavenly
pronouncements preceding the Second Coming of Christ. ‘After these
things’ refers to events that occur after the bowl judgments and the
destruction of literal Babylon as discussed in Revelation 16 and 18. John
hears the voice of the great multitude praising God for His salvation,
power, glory, and honor. This is the same great multitude identified in
Revelation 7, made up of saints killed or martyred during the Tribulation
Period.”[2] 3.
The phrase “After these things,”
meta tauta, is John’s old reliable phrase for changing scenes.
“This is a time key. After the destruction of Babylon at the end of the
Great Tribulation, just before the kingdom is established (chap. 20). This
section bridges the Tribulation and the millennial kingdom.”[3]
John is turning our attention from the earth and the final destruction of
the political and economic Babylonian system to the events immediately
preceding the second coming of the Lord Jesus. 4.
In this verse we see the first of our four hallelujahs. The word
“Alleluia,” correctly pronounced “hallelujah,” means,
“Praise Jehovah,” and is the utterance of tremendous praise toward
God. Found only in Revelation chapter 19 in the New Testament, it was a
term first used in the Bible by King David when the Ark of the Covenant
was finally brought to Mount Zion and placed on the threshing floor of
It has always been a word of ultimate praise and adoration toward God. 5.
Lehman Strauss referred to this first hallelujah as “the
hallelujah of redemption because the first note of praise is salvation.
Christ is about to appear with His Church to complete the redemption He
began at Calvary. One final conflict remains and then, after Armageddon,
the swords of men shall be beaten into plowshares, the earth will be
redeemed, and the lamb and the lion shall lie down together. While Satan
is the prince of this world now, Christ holds the title deed to the earth,
and the day is coming when He shall possess that which is His own by
creative right and redemptive right. There has been much speculation in
the many attempts to identify the “much people in heaven” who utter the first hallelujah. But what
does it matter? Let us all join in the chorus. The great day of
deliverance for all creation will surely come. Hallelujah!”[5] 6.
But to what do the words of this hymn of praise refer? What about
the words “salvation,
and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God”? a.
Salvation has to do with
deliverance. Not only does the Lord Jesus Christ deliver sinners from
their sins, Matthew 1.21, but He also delivers other things from other
things. For example: Will He not rescue this entire physical universe from
the curse? Moreover, will He not deliver the entire nation of Israel to
the covenant position promised them through their father Abraham?
Therefore, the second coming of Jesus Christ in power and great glory is
not a future event that should be considered only from the limited
perspective of a single sinner who does not want to go to Hell. There are
bigger things than just you and me wrapped up in my Lord’s second
coming. b.
Glory is the end to
salvation is the most incredible means. Keep in mind what we read back in
Revelation 4.11: “Thou art worthy, O
Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all
things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Ultimately, God, specifically the Second Person of the Trinity, the Lord
Jesus Christ, has created everything in existence so that the triune
godhead might be glorified. However, what does this word “glory”
mean? We sing the doxology whenever we take up an offering, and the word
doxology comes from the Greek word for “glory,”
doxa. The word has a whole range
of meanings, from brightness, shining and splendor, to fame, recognition,
honor, and prestige.[6]
As nearly as I can figure out, glory
has to do with that opinion of God, or that estimation of the Lord Jesus
Christ, which recognizes and acknowledges that God is the most majestic,
most sublime, most surpassingly excellent of beings. In addition, the
single most significant reason why Jesus Christ saves sinners is that by
so doing the Father is greatly glorified. In John 17.4, Jesus said, “I
have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou
gavest me to do.” That is, He greatly exalted men’s opinion of
God. We are called upon to do the same, in John 15.8: “Herein
is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my
disciples.” So then, when Jesus Christ comes again, men’s
opinion of Him will be greatly lifted up, and He will in turn greatly
elevate men’s opinions of God the Father. c.
Honour is closely related to
glory, except that honour, the Greek word timh,
has to do with price, value, and the respect that a person enjoys.[7]
Therefore, though these words obviously overlap to a degree in their
meanings, glory would have to do
with your estimation of God, while honour
would have more to do with how you behave because of your estimation. d.
There are two words translation power
in the New Testament. One word refers to authority, such as in Matthew
28.18, where Jesus indicates the absolute authority the Father has given
to Him by declaring, “All power is given
unto me in heaven and in earth.” The word we have here is the
other word, the word dunamiV. It refers to might, strength, force, capability, the
ability to do something as opposed to the authority to do something.[8]
This is what the angel Gabriel was referring to in Luke 1.37, when he told
Mary, “For with God nothing shall be
impossible.” 7.
“. . . unto the Lord our God.” a.
All those in heaven who have been waiting for so long; the angels
from the fall of Lucifer and from the fall of Adam, Abel from the moment
he was slain by his older brother, and the rest of the saints of old from
the time of Enoch and Noah and Abraham, down to those who we are
personally acquainted with who have gone before us, can finally begin to
rejoice. b. And you almost never see a great crowd of observers wait until the contest is finished before they begin to cheer and rejoice. The rejoicing begins as soon as you see the final episode begin to unfold. And so, though the Lord Jesus Christ has not yet returned to earth in power and great glory at this point, the celebration begins just like on the last lap of the Indianapolis 500, just like when the last pop fly goes up before the catch will end the game, just like when the clock runs out with the home team too far ahead for the visiting team to have any chance of scoring enough to win in the end. It is a weak parallel that I have drawn, but you get the point. Revelation 19.1 is where the celebrating begins. [1] See footnote for Revelation 19.1-6 from Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible, (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2000), page 1396. [2] Bob Kollin, Revelation Unlocked, (Springfield, Missouri: 21st Century Press, 2003), page 181. [3] See footnote for Revelation 19.1 from John MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible, (Nashville: Word Publishing, 1997), page 2018. [4] First Chronicles 16.1-4 [5] Lehman Strauss, The Book Of The Revelation, (Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 1963), page 315. [6] Bauer, Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early Christian Literature, (Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 2000), page 256-258. [7] Ibid., page 1005. [8] Ibid., pages 262-263. |
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