“...them that have the rule over you”
Hebrews 13.7, 17, 24

1A.  First, “Remember them which have the rule over you”

Two observations by way of application to your life from verse 7:

1B.  First, mention is made of “them which have the rule over you.”

2B.  Next, direction is given to you with respect to this man.  You are to “remember” him.

2A.  Next, “Obey them that have the rule over you”

Two observations by way of application to your life from verse 17:

1B.  First, mention is made of them “them that have the rule over you.”

2B.  Next, direction is given to you with respect to this man. You are to “obey” him.

3A.  Finally, “Salute all them that have the rule over you”

Two observations by way of application to your life from verse 24:

1B.  First, mention is made of “them that have the rule over you.”

2B.  Next, direction is given to you with respect to this man. You are to “salute” him.