Romans 5.6
PROPOSITION You are not only incapable of saving yourself, you are also incompetent to live your life and prepare for eternity. Our text very definitely establishes this fact.
You are weak in three ways: 1A. YOU ARE LEGALLY WEAK 1B. The use of the Law (First Timothy 1.8-10; Romans 3.20b; Galatians 3.24-25) 2B. Leaving you guilty (Romans 3.19) 2A. YOU ARE MORALLY WEAK 1B. The capacity of the flesh (Galatians 5.19-21) 2B. Leaving you wicked (Psalm 7.11; 36.1; 58.3) 3A. YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY WEAK 1B. Spiritual incompetence (First Corinthians 2.12-14) 2B. Leaving you dead (Ephesians 2.1) CONCLUSION: 1. You are legally, morally, and spiritually weak . . . doomed. But Christ is legally, morally and spiritually strong. 2. Legally strong, He fulfilled the Law. Morally strong, He is good. Spiritually strong, He is life. |