Malachi 3.18
1A. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED 1B. First, there is a difference with respect to the Lord Jesus Christ 2B. Second, there is a difference with respect to every spiritual blessing derived from Jesus Christ 2A. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED CAN BE DETECTED 1B. Jesus Christ indicated the difference between the righteous and wicked could be detected 2B. Paul indicated that a Christian could discern that he was saved and not lost 3A. THIS IS GOOD BECAUSE CHRISTIANS ARE COMMANDED TO DETECT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED This is one of the most powerful arguments against those doubters who deny that a skilled and mature minister of the Gospel can become discerning in such matters as these. Think about it, friend. If no one could tell the difference between the righteous and the wicked, if discernment was not possible, what hope could a Christian have of obeying God in the following two areas of life? 1B. First, the Christian is forbidden to marry someone who is unsaved 2B. Second, churches are commanded to baptize only genuine converts 4A. BUT, YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OF DETECTING THE DIFFERENCE Let me show you two passages to explain to you why you may not be competent to examine yourself: 1B. Hebrews 5.12-14. 2B. First Corinthians 2.14-15 |