Genesis 6.3
1A. THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD DOES STRIVE WITH MEN IS EVIDENT FROM THE WHOLE TENOR OF THE GOSPEL 2A. Next, CONSIDER THE FACT THAT GOD’S SPIRIT WILL NOT ALWAYS STRIVE WITH MAN This is clearly stated in our text. 1B. How long the Spirit will strive with any individual no one can tell. 2B. But how do sinners resist the strivings of the Spirit? 3A. Finally, LET US CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE SPIRIT’S CEASING TO STRIVE What happens then the Spirit of God has been resisted so much by you that He ceases to strive with you any longer? There are several things that you might experience. 1B. First, when the Spirit has departed the sinner may be cheerful 2B. Second, when the Spirit has departed you may feel very little concern for the salvation of your soul 3B. Third, when the Spirit has departed you may even laugh and make fun of Christianity 4B. Fourth, you may continue to listen to a preached gospel, to the most solemn warnings, and to the most melting invitations to come to Christ, but it will be all in vain |