Calvary Road Baptist Church

319 West Olive Avenue • Monrovia • (626) 357-2711

Home of

Calvary Road Baptist Academy

Where traditional values are taught in a safe environment
Kindergarten through High School (now enrolling)

The Sufficiency Of Scripture

Psalm 119.105

There is no possible way the child of God could know the will of God for his life with any certainty apart from the Bible. The Bible alone is our unchanging source of truth, having the same character as its Author, the Holy Spirit of God, who uses the Bible to lead us and guide us along the way. The Bible is also indispensable to the unbeliever.

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Thinking About Visiting?

If you do not have a Church home and you live in the Los Angeles area you are cordially invited to our services. Please remember, however, that the thrust of our Church's ministry is reaching the lost for Christ and training them. We are committed to each Christian being faithful to his present Church home.

Quote of the Week

Jesus placed the church at the very heart and core of His people's lives in ministry, and it should have that same place in our lives also.

Max Doner

Click Here For Previous Quotes


Schedule of Services

Wednesday Morning Bible Study - October 16, 2024 - 10:30AM
Gary Isenberger teaching
Wednesday Bible Study - October 16, 2024 - 7:00PM
Saturday Ask the Pastor - October 19, 2024 - 7:00PM
Zoom 239 - "Should Believers Ask For Forgiveness When Repenting?" Part 3
Sunday Morning - October 20, 2024 - 10:45AM
Sunday Evening - October 20, 2024 - 6:00PM
Nursery is available during all in-person services, except Wednesday morning Bible study.